Wych Elm - Ulmus Glabra.   Also known as Scots Elm and Irish Leamhan.    Its related species were various non - native species that were once very common in through out England, but were decimated by Dutch Elm Disease.

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The Wych Elm

Wych Elm - Ulmus Glabra.   Also known as Scots Elm and Irish Leamhan.    Its related species were various non - native species that were once very common in through out England, but were decimated by Dutch Elm Disease.

Wych Elm - Ulmus Glabra. Also known as Scots Elm and Irish Leamhan.
The Wych Elm is a large deciduous tree that is susceptible to Dutch Elm disease, because of this it is not planted any more.

It as an height of about 40m and an age up to 500 years.

Its habitat is typically as an hedgerow tree and it has been found at up to 300m altitude.    It is found in mixed woodlands with Oak, Whitebeam, Small Leave Lime and in Ash woods.

The Wych Elm has a natural native distribution in the north and west of Britain and Ireland.  It is found in Europe and west Asia.

Its propagation is from its seed, which is not dormant.

Wild seeds readily germinate shortly after falling.

The Wych Elm’s timber is a strong, supple pale brown wood that is very prone to shake, but cannot be readily split which leads to particular uses.  It does not decay when immersed in water.

The uses of its wood is to make chests, water pipes, cow sheds, cribs, mangers, hubs of wheels, coffins, furniture, troughs and

is used for sea defenses.

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The Village of Euxton, Lancashire, England.

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